
The Leader's Toolkit: What Kind of Work Should You Do?

Patrick Lencioni On Figuring Out Your "Working Genius"

The importance of understanding one's strengths and weaknesses in the workplace is an often discussed but rarely implemented concept. Patrick Lencioni is the best-selling author of several books including The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, The Advantage, The 6 Types Of Working Genius, and several others which have collectively sold over 8 million copies!

In today’s episode of The Leader’s Toolkit, Patrick talks about what to do after you figure out what your working genius is and how to match that to the work you should be doing. There are 6 types of working genius which include:

  1. Wonder

  2. Invention

  3. Discernment

  4. Galvanizing

  5. Enablement

  6. Tenacity

Lencioni argues that managers and leaders have a responsibility to ensure that their team members are working in roles where they can operate in their area of genius, instead of struggling with tasks they are not adept at. He emphasizes the need for individuals to be humble and vulnerable enough to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and to communicate this to their managers and colleagues.

While focusing on one's strengths may seem obvious, it is a concept that is often overlooked in modern workplaces. Many managers mistakenly believe that employees should spend time improving their weaknesses, rather than maximizing their strengths. However, research has shown that individuals who focus on utilizing their natural talents are more engaged and productive in their work. Additionally, recognizing and utilizing one's working genius can lead to greater job satisfaction and a deeper sense of purpose.

When individuals are working in roles that they excel at, they can see the value and impact of their contributions, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment in their work. Lencioni also highlights the importance of recognizing and utilizing the strengths of others. A great leader is not afraid to let their team members be stronger in certain areas, and should build a diverse team which can complement each other's skills. This can lead to greater collaboration and innovation within a team, as well as more effective decision making.

In the video above you will learn how to map your working genius to the work you do, what to do if you work for an organization where you can’t make changes, how you as a leader should respond if you see that your employees are working in the wrong area, and more.

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