
Paid episode

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How Leaders Can Beat the Busyness Trap

Transition From Being Overwhelmed to Empowerment By Delegating, Inspiring, and Leading with Impact

Today’s 5 Minute Leadership Hack is only for paid subscribers, if you haven’t signed up yet, join the growing community of leaders around the world who are stepping up their game by access to weekly hacks, exclusive interviews, and in-depth insights written by yours truly. Click here to subscribe.

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Have you ever noticed those individuals who constantly brag about how busy they are? They wear it like a badge of honor, whether it's being swamped with emails or drowning in various tasks. However, this constant busyness may not be a sign of effective leadership or importance. In fact, it could indicate poor time management, delegation skills, or even micromanagement. Sylvia Metayer is the former CEO of Corporate Worldwide Services at Sodexo. Sodexo is a sustainable food services company with over 422,000 employees around the world and Sylvia led most of them so you can imagine how busy she was!

However, as she came to realize, being busy all the time wasn’t always a good thing since there’s a big difference between motion vs progress. As a leader Sylvia’s goal wasn’t just to be in motion but to make forward progress. She believes that true leadership lies in guiding people towards a goal and letting them believe they are the ones responsible for the achievement. As the ancient proverb from The Art of War suggests, the best leader is the one whose work is done, and people can proudly say, "We did it ourselves."

How do you do that? Watch the video to find out!

Leaders are asked to be confident, competent, strong, and visionary. Yet on the other hand, employees also want their leaders to share their challenges, struggles, and mistakes. How can leaders reconcile both of these truths?

Vulnerability for leaders is not the same as it is for everyone else and my over 100 CEO interviews and survey of 14,000 employees proves it! So how can leaders approach vulnerability in the right way that allows them to unlock the potential of others, create trust, and lead through change? Pre-order your copy to find out and email me proof of HARDCOVER purchase to bonus@thefutureorganization.com and I’ll send you 5 exclusive CEO interviews, and invite to a webinar I’m hosting about the book, and the first 3 chapters of the book before it gets released!

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