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The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan

Why Being Generous With Mistakes Fuels Success According to the CEO Of Mapfre

Embracing Mistakes Is The Key To Great Leadership According to Antonio Huertas, Here's Why

Mistakes are an inherent part of life, even for leaders. How we handle them makes a significant difference. In traditional leadership approaches, punishing mistakes creates a culture of fear, stifling employee creativity and innovation. Forward-thinking leaders, such as Antonio Huertas, CEO of Mapfre, a multi-national Spanish insurance company with over 30,000 employees around the world. He understands the value of being generous towards those who make mistakes. They recognize that progress and innovation necessitate trial and error.

As a leader, it is crucial to communicate to your team that making mistakes is acceptable. Embracing mistakes as part of the learning process paves the way for continuous improvement and ensures long-term success as a leader.

Check out the video only available for paid subscribers of Great Leadership.

If you haven’t heard yet, my new book, Leading With Vulnerability is now available for pre-order! Is vulnerability for leaders the same as it is for everyone else? It turns out it’s not! Learn how the world’s top leaders approach vulnerability in the right way to lead through change, unlock the potential of others, create trust, and drive business performance. Pre-order your copy here and stay tuned for bonuses!

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Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan
5-Minute Leader
Weekly 5 minute videos that provide leadership strategies & tips used by the world's top CEOs, thinkers, and leaders. All of them are practical, actionable, and tested and designed to make you a great leader!
Jacob Morgan